When people subscribe to your email list, they share their private details with you hoping of getting something useful. Customers aren’t likely to value several e-mails with unrelated content or the same purchase-now sales pitch over and over. Overwhelming emails with low quality content will results in low open rates, decline in click through, and lots and lots of unsubscribe requests. To keep them engaged make them an offer which have value.
A valuable offer motivates your subscriber to make an immediate choice instead of delaying it.
Giving away stuff — it may be cash, coupons or your knowledge — doesn’t mean that your viewers instantly understand and likes the value in your offer. It becomes more useful to them when:
- They get nearer to the decision making stage of the purchase.
- The benefits of your offer over-shadow delaying the decision of purchase.
Internet is the platform which allows your prospects to compare competing price. If you send an e-mail that features a new product/service available, some people may compare prices on the internet and buy it from the opponent with a better cost.
Considering the choices available to your prospects makes sure that your offers over-shadow other readily available offers. As you decide what to offer your prospects, consider these tips:
Competitor’s Research – Figure out where your viewers are likely to search for more details and look at the offers that your competitors having. You can do analysis online, visit your competitor’s website, and sign up for your competition’s e-mail list for further research.
If your offer contains price incentives or other rewards, don’t worry if you can’t match up with your competitors on price alone. Rather, use the opportunity to point out the reasons why your products/services are better than others without any discount.
Control the source and own the information – When your messages consist of links to more details that facilitates your offer, try to add that information on your website, blog, social media accounts and other online presences that you control.
Still if you need to link to outside details, ask for authorization from the source to add the details on your website to keep your traffic on your site. If you have to link to content on shared sites — such as public weblogs, forums, classified ads or other sites you don’t own — make sure that you own the ads and other coverage on those sites so that your message is strengthened when your viewers go through them and your competitors can’t take advantage of your e-mail list.
Understand your customers – Segment your viewers into different list based on the offers they usually react to and modify your offers accordingly. Illustrations of offer details include:
- Customers who value the latest trends or finest quality and are ready to pay more for them.
- Customers who value comfort and time and are more likely to buy products or services when the buying process is quick and simple.
- Customers who seeks financial benefits and are willing to take extra steps or negotiate for less to save.
Providing real value with your offer will not only motivate your prospects to buy from you but it will also help in spreading positive words around about your products and services.